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Your MMA is always here to help. COVID-19 impacts us all.

Doc D'Errico | Published on 4/2/2020
By now you're no doubt tired and frustrated by the onslaught ofCOVID-19 updates from every company and organization you associate with – or for that matter, every company you've ever done business with since childhood.

So, one more can’t hurt, right?

Seriously, though, our first and foremost concern is for YOU, our members and supporters. We hope that you’re all taking care of yourselves, practicing extra hygiene and safe distancing as possible and appropriate. At the end of the day, we don’t exist without YOU.Many of you rely on your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association, and some are unaware of everything we do day in and out. We are all, like you, members and volunteers. In times like this, while we’re all hunkered down, however, it’s important for you to know that we remain ever vigilant, and also are looking for how we can help YOU.

For one, we fully realize that while many of you continue to work – some from home, some from their places of employment – there are also a number of you who are on reduced hours or even laid off or furloughed from your jobs. Even for those who are retired are finding costs are up (even though gas is down, thankfully) on many items – especially those that are hard to find.While we rely very much on Membership and especially our annual Harley-Davidson Bike Raffle for funding, we realize that it’s not possible for everyone right now. So how can we help?

At a minimum, if you find your membership due for renewal and can’t afford it right now, please let us know and we’ll happily extend your membership to cover whatever period you need. This way, you can retain your membership benefits, especially the $4,000 AD&D policy that all members receive at no additional charge with their membership. You will also retain your membership continuity until you’re able to catch up.

It will be a struggle for all of us, and we’re here to share that with you, as we continue to support you in the State House, in your towns, and with our Safety Programs. Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association has never charged anyone for our Lawn Signs or Bumper Stickers, and we continue to promote Safety and Education across the Commonwealth – we have no plans to start doing so now, although we are suspending distribution until after the immediate crisis and "stay at home orders" have passed, allowing us to safely meet – the safety of our volunteers and your safety remain paramount.

Speaking of struggles, it will be a challenge this year for us to fund many programs because our Raffle Ticket sales will likely suffer due to the cancellation or postponement of many of our events. We were actually on track to sell out this year, but the cancellation of recent events is likely a 600-700 ticket shortfall. If you do find yourself in a situation to help your fellow riders, purchasing a MMA Raffle Ticket or two will certainly help – especially once things get back to whatever becomes the "new normal." In the interim, what better way to maintain safe distancing than to be out riding! Maybe on your MMA 2020 Harley Davidson Raffle Bike?

Also, while you no doubt saw that our annual Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period started on March 23rd, you’re probably not going to see any highway signage – either because you’re not using the highways, or they’re being used for COVID-19 updates. Your MMA is working with MassDOT and the RMV for signage later in the season when things return to normal – especially around upcoming holidays.

To keep this already long email shorter, in a following email, we will share with you some details aboutwhat have we been doing and what are we continuing to do for you as we remain vigilant closing out the two-year Legislative Session in Massachusetts. Although the State House is effectively closed and Legislators have been meeting via phone and computer virtual meetings, your MMA has been working the phones and emails to them.

Your MMA is here to help – please stay healthy, safe, and let us know how.

Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association

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