In Memory Of

Rick Wood: 26 June 1953 - 25 June 2017
With Steve Xiarhos (right) during Big Nick's Ride for the Fallen
Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association regretfully shares the news that former MMA District 2 Manager, Rick Wood, passed away earlier today, a day shy of his 64th Birthday.
Rick ran a social media page, “Woody’s Rides” for a while before stepping into the role of MMA District 2 Manager, and also served as Chairman of the South-Eastern Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivors Fund, running events such as Brian’s Ride supporting the needs of downed riders and their families in the south-eastern Massachusetts counties.
While serving as MMA District 2 Manager, Rick developed relationships and found new purpose with numerous Veterans Support Organizations such as the Patriot Guard Riders, Big Nick’s Ride for the Fallen, and Boston's Wounded Vet Ride. With renewed passion and vigor, Rick served as a Road Captain with the Patriot Guard Riders, and served on the board of Boston's Wounded Vet Ride.
He will be sorely missed by many.