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MMA CTA: Your Urgent Action needed to secure support for our Legislative Agenda

Published on 2/2/2017
MMA CTA: Your Urgent Action needed to secure support for our Legislative Agenda

Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association is pleased to announce the bills selected for the upcoming 2017-2018 Legislative Session have been filed and assigned Docket Numbers. Riders and suppporters are now asked to help your MMA seek out formal co-sponsors for these bills. The deadline for co-Sponsors to sign onto a bill is February 3, 2017 at 5:00 PM.

A telephone call or email to your State Representative and State Senator requesting they sign on is of utmost importance. If you do not know who your Representative and/or Senator is, please visit:

Feel free to customize the following to your preference:

Honorable (Name of your State Representative and Senator):

I fully support the mission of the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association, and would very much appreciate your signing on as a co-sponsor to the following Bills for this new Legislative Session. The MMA Bills and their respective primary sponsors are:

SD.661 – Senator Thomas McGee: “An Act establishing a motorcycle safety fund” seeks to create a dedicated Motorcycle Safety Fund and rebate not less than $150.00 for Junior Motorcycle Riders who successfully complete the MREP BRC - Motorcyclists pay a $2.00 premium during their annual registration that is supposed to be allocated to a Motorcycle Safety Fund. Though this fund technically exists, it’s under control of MassDOT; details are kept from the public. This Bill seeks to ensure that this money is fully accounted for and stays in a dedicated Motorcycle Safety Fund and is accounted for.

HD.2479 – Representative Angelo D’Emilia: “An Act regarding Motorcycle Sound Emissions” seeks to direct Law Enforcement usage to MGL 90-7S, 7T, and 7U - Massachusetts has two different set of laws that address Motorcycle Sound Emissions. One of them is completely subjective and allows Law Enforcement too much leeway when determining how load is “too loud”. The other is completely objective and requires a series of controlled tests specific to Motorcycles. The Bill seeks to eliminate use of the subjective law when dealing with Motorcycles.

SD.379 – Senator Anne Gobi: “An Act relative to standards for protective headgear for operators or passengers on motorcycles” seeks to provide Helmet Freedom of Choice for motorcycle riders within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Citizens across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have the right to bear arms, serve in the Military, and a plethora of other freedoms, yet they are not allowed to ride helmet-free if they so choose. At the same time, 4 New England Border States offer “Helmet Choice” and motorcyclists are leaving or by-passing Massachusetts to spend their tourist dollars each weekend. The MMA estimates that if only 10% of Massachusetts’ riders stayed home each weekend, $1.25million per day would remain in the Commonwealth. This Bill creates “Freedom of Choice” for motorcyclists riding in Massachusetts.

HD.211 – Representative Tim Whelan: “An Act relative to motorcycle safety with malfunctioning traffic signals not detecting motorcycles” seeks to safely allow motorists to pass through a red light that isn’t working correctly. Throughout the Commonwealth, Motorcyclists, Bicyclists and other roadway users find themselves “stuck” at Traffic Actuated Control Signals that do not recognize their presence resulting in often illegal and potentially dangerous results. This Bill creates a set of guidelines like “Right on Red” which can create consistent behavior and safe passage should a traffic signal malfunction in the Commonwealth.

HD.2886 – Representative Sarah Peake: “An Act regarding Right of Way Violations” seeks to increase the penalties associated with Right-of-Way violations. In MA, if a motorist violates another’s Right-of-Way they receive nothing more than a $35 citation – a slap on the wrist; the potential penalty to a Motorcyclist, Bicyclist, or Pedestrian could be a DEATH SENTENCE at the Cemetery! In MA, 65% of the time that a Motorcycle is involved in an accident with another vehicle, it’s because the other motorist turned left in front of the oncoming Motorcycle. This Bill seeks accountability for motorists who injure or cause the death of other roadway users due to Right-of-Way Violations.

HD.2466 – Representative Carolyn Dykema: “An Act regarding Special Regulations for Vehicle Specific Checkpoints” seeks to eliminate the practice of road-side vehicle stops for specific motor vehicles. These Roadblocks and Vehicle Checkpoints are periodically used for Safety Purposes, but are being misused. Although the Massachusetts Constitution has specific processes and regulations for how and when “safety” checkpoints can be operated, it didn’t stop some local municipalities from violating the Constitution with State Police support. This Bill eliminates checkpoint stops based on the type of vehicle, or adornment of the vehicle and/or its operator.

HD.2289 – Representative Shaunna O’Connell: “An Act regarding Equal Access for Motorcycles” seeks to remove and bar limitations for motorcycles on certain roadways, parking facilities, and similar locations. In MA, motorcycle operators are prohibited from parking in certain structures. This Bill seeks to eliminate this discrimination from all structures and roadways that receive monies for building, maintenance, and/or operations from the State and the Federal Government and excludes motorcyclists.

SD.673 – Senator Joan Lovely: “An Act regarding Equal Access for Motorcycles” seeks to remove and bar limitations for motorcycles on certain roadways, parking facilities, and similar locations. In MA, motorcycle operators are prohibited from parking in certain structures. This Bill seeks to eliminate this discrimination from all structures and roadways that receive monies for building, maintenance, and/or operations from the State and the Federal Government and excludes motorcyclists.

HD.1898 – Representative Brad Hill: “An Act relative to Motorcycle Safety” seeks to change language changing “Motorcycle Safety Foundation” and “Motorcycle Safety Fund” to the “Massachusetts Motorcycle Rider Education Program”. With significant advancements in training curricula and the increase of ridership in the Commonwealth, the Massachusetts Rider Education Program requires more flexibility in selecting criteria than to be limited to that only available through the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.

Please contact the Bill Sponsor before 5:00PM on February 3, 2017 to formally sign-on as a Bill Co-Sponsor. If you should have any questions, please contact:

Rick Gleason, Massachusetts Motorcycle Association Legislative Director
(508) 280-2078

Please visit for further details.

©2017 Massachusetts Motorcycle Association
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