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MMA matches NETRA Reward for Information Regarding State Forest Crimes

Published on 6/7/2016
MMA matches NETRA Reward for Information Regarding State Forest Crimes
The New England Trail Rider Association issued a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) who have seriously endangered trail users' safety by stringing wire across trails in Massachusetts state forests. Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association has agreed to match that amount, resulting in a $1,000 reward.

NETRA and your MMA are dedicated to safe and responsible motorized use of trails and stands in partnership with local and state authorities as they work to apprehend the culprit(s) of these very dangerous crimes.

NETRA promotes the sport of safe and responsible off-road motorcycling in the New England and New York region.

While your MMA focuses mostly on street-riding related matters, but fully supports the mission of NETRA, including supporting a MMA Board seat to keep your MMA apprised of situations of mutual interest and impact to operators of 2 and 3-wheeled vehicles. We take these reckless acts as dangerous attacks on all motorcyclists.

Anyone with information on this matter should notify the Environmental Police Dispatch Center at 800-632-8075.

MMA members and supporters who wish to make a donation to NETRA’s mission, whether contributing to the investigation, reward, or to promote the further development of riding trails, please contact NETRA directly.

Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Anthony Gasper, President of the New England Trail Rider Association at 
or contact
For more information, see or

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