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Motorcycle Safety Fund Bill receives "Favorable, Ought to Pass" recommendation

Published on 4/22/2016
MMA CTA: Motorcycle Safety Fund Bill receives "Favorable, Ought to Pass" recommendation

The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association is pleased to announce that MMA-Filed Senate Bill Number 1855, An Act Establishing a Motorcycle Safety Fund, has recently received a “Favorable, Ought to Pass” recommendation from the Joint Committee on Transportation. This recommendation is a very positive step and allows the Bill to move into the Senate Ways and Means Committee for further consideration.

S.1855 basically contains two important issues for motorcyclists: First, it seeks to create a dedicated motorcycle safety fund with quarterly reporting and accountability from the State Treasurer to the Chairman of the MMA. Second, it seeks to rebate a portion (not less than $150.00) of the MREP Basic Rider Course to Junior Riders who successfully complete the course to earn their motorcycle license.

The MMA’s 15th annual “Storm the State House” Legislative Lobbying Day is scheduled for Thursday May 19, 2016, all motorcycle riders are encouraged to personally deliver letters requesting prompt movement of this important Bill to each and every Senate Ways & Means Committee Member and request another “Favorable, Ought to Pass” recommendation. Imagine the impact and impression a coordinated visit from hundreds of leather-clad motorcyclists will have upon our Lawmakers when we boldly, yet respectfully, push for passage of this important motorcycle Bill.

Riders are asked to prepare their letters in advance of the “Storm” and to bring these letters with them. Those who would like some assistance preparing letters are encouraged to contact your MMA Legislative Director, Rick Gleason ( for ideas. We may have some Form Letters available on the day of the event, but it is always best if your letter expresses your personal view as to why S.1855 is important.

If you are unable to attend the “Storm”, you are still requested to send letters to your State Representative and Senator, asking them to request the Senate Ways and Means Committee release this Bill with a “Favorable, Ought to Pass” recommendation. Contact information for your State Representative and Senator can be found here:

Your MMA reminds you that it is VERY IMPORTANT that letters go out on this issue from as many riders as possible. This is a great opportunity to make your voice heard regarding a Bill that HELPS YOU, the motorcycle riders. If you care about your safety, choice, and freedom to ride here is your chance to voice your concerns, 

Whether you believe it or not, our freedom to ride is being attacked on a daily basis. A former Governor completely removed our safety fund from the annual budget, motorcycle only noise ordinances are being proposed constantly in cities and towns across this state, and a host of other issues are being raised almost daily.

Attend your MMA’s “Storm the State House” and let your voice be heard! Sitting back and letting “the other guy” take care of this makes you a part of the problem. So stand up and be part of the solution! Your ride, your choice!

For more information, see or contact

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