MMA Announces 2015 Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period!
The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association is pleased to announce that Governor Baker has issued a proclamation declaring the 2015 Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period which will run from March 24th through April 30th. This year’s month-long observance celebrates the 14th successive year marking Motorcycle Awareness in the Commonwealth.
With many inches of snow still on the ground, some might question the sanity of having the Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period so early in the season, but Motorcycle Safety Training Classes are already in their second week in the Commonwealth, and the snow has receded to the curbs. Also, warmer temperatures are already upon us and motorcycles will be making their appearance well before May, when many others mark the transition.
"It's important for us to begin to alert the public to the appearance of 2 and 3-wheeled vehicles," noted Safety & Education Director Bill Cheetham. "Without this period, drivers are craning around snow banks looking for plows, not smaller shapes and sizes." Indeed, since the inception of the Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period, Motorcycle Accidents and Fatalities have been on the decrease, especially in the early season.
"We also get additional bang for our buck by others extending our period for us," added Chairman Dave Condon, "with others putting money into their own campaigns in May, it extends the awareness messaging. Each proclamation and resulting Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period reenforces our shared vision of making the roadways safer for all motorists!"

The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association also believes that while it's important to make motorists aware of the presence of Motorcycles, it's also critically important that Motorcyclists be more aware on the roadways as well. In 2014, although total Motorcycle Fatalities continued to decline over the past decade, the percentage of accidents caused by Rider Error continued to increase. As part of the campaign, the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association is working closely with the Massachusetts Rider Education Program and its licensed schools around the Commonwealth to promote Rider Education and Awareness.
Added Safety & Education Director Bill Cheetham, "Several of the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association's Officers are Motorcycle Instructors - both 2 and 3-wheel - and we all share stories of riders who've been in the saddle for 20, or even 30 years, yet they all leave classes surprised at how much they learned."
"'Sharing the Road' and being aware of the capabilities and presence of other vehicles is key," closed Vice Chairman Doc D'Errico, "unless we make accommodation for each other on the roadways, we will continue to see examples of unfortunate accidents, increased road rage, and worse, fatalities. The Massachusetts Motorcycle's Awareness Programs, including our 'Look! For Motorcycles' campaign is another of the great examples of how we can become more aware. Lawn signs, bumper stickers, group awareness seminars, and other materials are all aware at no charge from the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association.
For more information, please see or contact
©2015 Massachusetts Motorcycle Association
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