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MMA CALL TO ACTION: Senate Bill Number 1677, regarding Motorcycle Safety

Published on 7/3/2014
Senate Bill Number 1677, An Act regarding Motorcycle Safety (S.1677)
The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) would like to remind motorcyclists that S.1677 still sits with the Senate Ways & Means Committee. S.1677 has been designed by the MMA to encourage young riders to attend the Massachusetts Rider Education Program’s Basic Rider Course and upon successful completion, offers a rebate of not less than $150.00. S.1677 has already received a Favorable, Ought to Pass recommendation from the Joint Committee on Transportation and an immediate Call To Action from motorcyclists is needed immediately to help kick-start movement of this important Motorcycle Safety Bill.
The current Massachusetts Legislative Session is rapidly winding down with formal sessions due to cease at the end of July! All are encouraged to contact Senate Ways & Means Committee Members and formally request a Favorable, Ought to Pass recommendation from the committee so that S.1677 can move to the Senate Floor for vote.
Please contact the Chairman of the Senate Ways and Means Committe:
Senator Stephen Brewer
State House, 
Room 212 Boston, MA  02133 
(617) 722-1481
All of the other 16 committee members can be found here:
The MMA has written formal letters requesting this Favorable, Ought to Pass recommendation to all 17 Senate Ways and Means Committee Members. We ask that all riders reading this to do the same! 

Questions and comments should be sent to and additional Legislative information can be found at:
The text for S.1677 can be found here:
The MMA’s Legislative Agenda Planning Session is currently being scheduled for October 2014.  Be a part of these decisions and voice your concerns and recommendations for the 2015-2016 Legislative Session beginning January 1, 2015.

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