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MMA Call to Action – Governor's Highway Safety Committee Bill (H.3046)

Published on 11/13/2013
MMA Call to Action – Governor's Highway Safety Committee Bill (H.3046)

On October 9, 2013, the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) alerted riders that House Bill 3046 received a “Favorable, Ought to Pass” recommendation from the Transportation Committee and was sent to the House Floor for a vote.   The MMA-Authored Bill would allow a motorcycle perspective on the Governor's Highway Safety Committee where currently there isn’t any representation for motorcyclists.  The Bill was debated, accepted, voted on without modification, and then ordered to the Third Reading Committee.   Now, even though H.3046 is on the Formal House Calendar, this Bill resides with Third Reading and needs a push to get moving.

The MMA has learned that the Chairman of the House Third Reading Committee, Representative Theodore Speliotis, wants to hear from riders expressing why this Bill is important to them and read their request to report this Bill out of committee favorably.  Riders are urged to write to Committee Chairman Speliotis and formally request that H.3046 be released from the Third Reading Committee favorably so it can get to the House Floor for a final vote.

Rep Speliotis’s contact information is:

Honorable Representative Theodore Speliotis
State House, Room 20
Boston, MA  02133

(617) 722-2410

Please take a moment to write your letter TODAY!  The Massachusetts Legislature recesses on November 20, which could result in further delays until after the first of the year.

It is very important that your letter requests a Favorable recommendation for H.3046.  Additional information regarding H.3046 can be found at and questions can be sent to


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