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MMA 2013 Elections - New Board Members Seated!

Published on 11/7/2013
MMA 2013 Elections - New Board Members Seated!

On October 2nd, 2013, the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) held its Annual Meeting and Elections for State-Wide office.  This year's elections were bittersweet in terms of saying goodbye to a long-time Board Member, but welcoming some new blood to the board.  The new board members were seated at least night's November Board Meeting.

Reelected to a 3-year term was Doc D'Errico, the MMA's Business Manager.  Doc has held several positions on the board and moved to the Business Manager's position in 2012 to fill a needed vacancy.  Doc was reelected to a full 3-year term.  In addition,  per the MMA bylaws, the position of MMA Vice Chairman runs concurrently with the incumbent's Board seat, and must be filled by a seated Board Member.  Doc also served as the MMA's Vice Chairman and was reelected to that position as well.

Not seeking reelection was Irv Evans.  Irv has served the board in a few capacities for a number of years and made his intentions known nearly a year ago when he discussed retiring out-of-state.  Accepting Irv's resignation from the board with extreme regret, MMA Chairman Dave Condon stated, "Irv has served the riders of the commonwealth with great dignity; he has been a calming voice for many years and has been able to provide history and stability through several changes in the Board.  His presence at the meetings and his feedback will be greatly missed."

Elected to the position of Recording Secretary is Diane Alba who will fill the remaining 2 years of Irv's originally elected term.  Diane joined the MMA because as a rider she realized that the freedoms on the road were becoming more endangered and needed to be protected.  Diane has been a staple at a number of MMA events and wanted to be more involved.  Diane is an extremely active rider from the Boston area and brings new insights and enthusiasm to the board.

Also reelected was Kevin Raiche to a 3-year term as Member Services Director.  Kevin joined the MMA after we helped fight a local sound ordinance issue in his town.  Realizing how much the freedoms are being challenged, Kevin was anxious to give something back to an organization that fights daily to preserve the freedoms we enjoy on 2 wheels.

Annually elected by the Membership at large are the District Representatives.  Any active District Member may be elected during an annual District Meeting to represent that District with a seat on the Board and full vote.

In District I, Dana Melberg was reelected to another term during the District Meeting on October 22nd.  Dana is an avid rider whose family all ride frequently together.  In announcing his reelection, District Manager John Pecora noted that Dana continues to be a driving force in District I and has been a creative spirit on the board.

In District II, Susan Hatfield was elected during the District Meeting on October 15th.  A recent addition to the MMA, Susan has been a long-time passenger who moved to the front-seat only a couple of years ago.  A long-time healthcare employee and an avid participant in numerous riding and motorcycle support groups, Susan has been compelled to fight for motorcyclist rights and for making the byways safer for all of us.

Also reelected annually is the as the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) State Representative.  The MRF Rep is not a MMA Board Member, but is reelected annually during the MMA Board Meeting, and reports monthly to the MMA Board.  Doc D'Errico has served in this capacity and was reelected to another term.    Doc in turn reappointed Kevin Raiche and Grady Wheeler as MRF Assistant State Representatives.  Dave Condon, as the MMA's Executive Officer is responsible for making the formal appointment on behalf of the MMA to the MRF.

The MMA Board welcomes its newly elected and reelected members to the board, and invites all to meet them at the MMA's upcoming Holiday Party and Awards Banquet on December 7th at the Holiday Inn in Marlboro, MA.  The MMA Board Meeting will be held at 10am, which is open to any MMA Member in Good Standing.  The MMA Legislative Session will begin at 1pm and is open to all, as is the Holiday Party and Awards Banquet which begins at 6pm.

For more information, please see or


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